Womens Self Defense Classes Lakewood Ranch, Sarasota and Bradenton, Florida

Women Self Defence Classes

Be Trained    .    Be Prepared    .     Defend Yourself

We thank you for coming to our site and considering taking Self Defense for Women Classes and taking a vital step towards protecting your own and possible someone else's life.

We show women special self defense techniques that do not require great strength but are very effective techniques to get them out of a bad situation.

Our self defense classes are designed to empower women. It is perfect for women of all ages. We will train you with techniques many of which are used by the Military, and Law Enforcement. You will be taught in a group setting practicing for real world situations. Our instructors try to make learning self defense fun but also informative.

Women defense classes in Sarasota

Feel free to come and observe a class before deciding or dive straight in as our prices are very reasonable. You can also join a class for just an hour or save more money by enrolling in one of our Pricing Packages.

The Shocking Statistics

Although, most people like to feel assured that nothing bad is going to happen to them, sadly we live in a world where the statistics show that 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men have been victims of severe physical violence. The fact is that without proper training, you could be part of that statistic.

Far too many women feel that they "can handle themselves" should a violent encounter happen with the vast majority simply not prepared for the sheer shock, the powerful physical strength of their attacker, the weapon of their attacker, their aggressivenes and the high level of physical violence they will use to subdue their victim.

Often women take up self defense after suffering an attack, but the emotional and physical scars often remain for a lifetime...

Dont be a victim, protect youself with Self Defense.

Why Choose Us?

" We empower and train women to walk with confidence instead of fear, knowing they have the training, and highly effective skills to get themselves out of a bad situation, should they be threatened or attacked.

A bad situation can frequently erupt unexpectedly at any time such as at a road rage incident, a bad date, a predator at a party or someone waiting in ambush. It can even be someone you know such as a boyfriend/husband or another woman who assaults you. You do not have to be an victim. "

Please do something to improve your chances, even a little training is better than nothing!

Cindy Rhategan (Sensei)

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